The Bucket Brigade is the first collected volume of the Weekly Roll, a four-panel TTRPG-webcomic that follows the titular Bucket Brigade, an adventuring party of a paladin war criminal who tries to keep the party in line, a mushroom-addicted sorcerer and his murderous fighter girlfriend, a Warlock with an old testament angel patron and a libertarian necromancer wanted for tax evasion. The series follows the party’s adventures as they walk the fine line that most adventuring parties tow: wandering heroes saving the realms from monsters and horrors beyond mortal ken and just being a bunch of homeless vagrant psychopaths with low impulse control with a ridiculous amount of unchecked power.
Author: Malcolm Thulin Carpenter
Softcover: $00.00 | ISBN 978-1-962298-XX-X
Hardcover: $00.00 | ISBN 978-1-962298-XX-X
Genre: HUMOR / FANTASY | Rated T+ / Teen Plus
Approximately 200 pages